"No PVR clients have been started" message. Please please PLEEEASE help
Hi guys

I have an issue that is driving me bonkers and cannot find a solution. Lately when opening Kodi I have been receiving a message saying "No PVR clients have been started". This usually is just a popup at the top of the screen, and could be ignored. However, since updating to 15.2 (from 14.x?) it is now a popup window that needs to be dismissed. However, this only appears in 2 of the 3 user profiles I have set up (weird). I have tried unmapping ctrl-o from my remote and enabling/disabling LiveTV and can't think of anything else to try. I am running Windows 10. Here is my debug log

Please please please please help. This is going to drive me insane. I think I may be a little OCD
Thank you in advance
Sorry if this has already been answered. I looked everywhere and couldn't find anything

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"No PVR clients have been started" message. Please please PLEEEASE help0