Linux ALSA/Pulseaudo Selection an related Problems

i just reinstalled my Media-PC using UBUNTU MATE 15.10. It took a lot of work to get kodi working on the new installed machine.
Most of the work was related to get kodi started with ALSA instead of Pulseaudio. This is needed because my Media-PC is connected to
a A/V Receiver. And i want to play Videos that contain Dolby True-HD an DTS-Master-HD sound.

In my opinion it would be nice if i could choose between the Audiointerfaces (ALSA/Pulseaudio) within the Systemsettingsmenu.
This way the user could choose whether he want to use ALSA or if things dont't work or ALSA is just not needed use Pulseaudio.

I have managed getting things to work with a shellscript that starts Kodi with ALSA Support within the MATE Desktop, and it works absolutely flawless.
I still have no idea how to change things for a kodi standalone session. Starting Kodi with the autostartfeature of the MATE Desktop works but it ruins my Audiosettings
in Kodi everytime i try. So for now i have to log into MATE and start Kodi via my shellscript. This works but needs a Keyboard and Mouse to be connected to the Media-PC.

Hopefully future Kodireleases will make things easier for Linuxusers.
I always remove Pulseaudio from my system to solve this. If you only have ALSA Kodi will use it by default.
All documented in the wiki:

That being said, I don't get why you use a "media pc" with an AVR and have pulseaudio installed ... no idea about that. Kodi detects PA, assumes the user wants it, cause he has installed it and uses it. Why ALSA is not used when PA is installed - you see in the above link.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Allright i am using a HTPC because i also need Chrome Browser for VOD and Steam for Gaming.
In the past i used Kodibuntu but LXDE caused tearing in Videos and i could not get Audio to work with Steam.
Besides that Kodibuntu lacks many features i prefer to have on a desktop that is displayed on TV Screen.

Anyway thank you for the replies.

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ALSA/Pulseaudo Selection an related Problems0