New User - Introduction
Hello, my name is Kevin, and I'm a movie/TV addict. Smile

I've been a TiVo user for well over a decade. I started out with a series 1 TiVo. My current TiVo is an older series 2 box. I tend to stay behind the times hardware wise. All my TVs are older CRT type TVs. A few years ago I dropped cable and have mostly been watching old shows on DVD or from my PC since then. Since I dropped cable the only thing my TiVo has been used for is viewing stuff from my PC. It doesn't make sense to keep paying TiVo $13/month for that. My TiVo is in my living room. All I have in my bedroom is a DVD player. I've been wanting to add PC video viewing capabilities to the bedroom TV for quite a while now. I've just recently started trying out Kodi. I think I'm already hooked, even though I don't have a Kodi box connected to either of my TVs yet. I have Kodi installed on an old Gateway E4300 desktop PC. The things I need to get it connected to one of my TVs are in the mail. Once I try out Kodi on my bedroom TV if all goes well I'll set up a second Kodi box in the living room and retire my TiVo. I already have the first Kodi box set up to use a MySQL database. I have MySQL running on my main desktop PC, though I usually use PostgreSQL for database related things. All of my online video files are also on my main desktop PC, accessible to Kodi via NFS. I'm starting out with Kodi running on older PCs I had lying around to keep costs to a minimum. I'll probably eventually give running Kodi on a Raspberry Pi a try.

Organizing my video library for use with Kodi might be a challenge. I don't have a whole lot of disk space. From the days when I had even less disk space many of my video files have been offloaded on data DVDs. I have just over 1,200 such DVDs. I'm low on disk space so some of the stuff I currently have online will probably get offloaded to DVDs before long. In the early days I tended to CamelCase both directory and file names, without spaces. Now days most video file names have spaces in them, but directory names are still CamelCased. Kodi doesn't seem to like CamelCase.

I have a lot of forum archive and wiki searching to do before I'm ready to start asking questions. I'm sure I'll eventually have at least a few newbie questions to ask. Is it okay to ask several questions in one post or would separate posts be better?

Is there a Kodi mailing list anywhere? Mailing lists are so much easier to keep up with than online forums.
@Karellen- Advice removed- 1. Contrary to Forum Rules; 2. Questionable advice

As a new user the first thing you should do is to read the Forum Rules (wiki), Piracy Policy as well as the Banned Add-ons (wiki). This well save you from asking about something that isn't allowed in the forum and keep your posts from getting binned.

Most everything you need to setup or understand Kodi can be found in the Wiki (wiki).
Forum Rules (wiki) | Banned add-ons (wiki) | Wiki (wiki) | Quick start guide (wiki)
It's generally recommended that you keep forum threads to one question per thread, to make it easier for others who have the same questions, and because we rarely want to answer a ton of questions all at once. Especially if those questions have already been asked and answered elsewhere.

I think you've graduated past youtube, given the questions you're asking. At a guess, I'd say meanpat1 has no idea what half of the things you said were.

And nope, no mailing lists. We do forum support and wiki support here.
(2016-02-11, 04:51)meanpat1 Wrote: You tube is best ...type kodi on there and itll have everything u need to know.latest repos movie tv and sport..oh an how to videos.

I'd strongly disagree with that - YouTube is probably the absolute worst place as it's riddled with clips on how to set up all the banned add-ons (wiki) and other junk which will lead you into all sorts of issues, hassles and problems, and for which you will get absolutely no support here.

The best place for information is the Kodi wiki as others have said above. Start with the first time user (wiki) page, and take it from there. It's a goldmine of information on Kodi.
|Banned add-ons (wiki)|Forum rules (wiki)|VPN policy (wiki)|First time user (wiki)|FAQs (wiki) Troubleshooting (wiki)|Add-ons (wiki)|Free content (wiki)|Debug Log (wiki)|

Kodi Blog Posts
Hi and welcome!
I think kodi can be great if you want to replace outdated products (i used a mede8er before).
Have fun reading about the things you are interested in ( the forum and mainly the wiki are great for reference)
Oh, and do yourself a favor and don't use youtube to learn about kodi.

Things you find there are mostly useless.
as already mentioned - best is to stay away from all the illegal add-ons or "all in one" repositories as they tend to fuck things up (like overriding official add-ons with custom ones, messing with settings that could cause playback issues, spy on you, ...)
Dokpm0, if you go down the Raspberry Pi route, and use libreelec, if you copy the media/passwords/sources/advanced settings xml files in the userdata directory from one to the other, you can save a lot of time reconfiguring, just copy, and reboot, this is especially good if you have more than one kodi client on your system.

This also means you don't have to recreate your MySQL settings in the xml file!
Server: Ubuntu Server 22TB HDD running SAMBA
Kodi: 4 Raspberry Pi 3 running Libreelec -  on the main PC - running Linux Mint
My Setup thread |
After registering here, the original poster visited this forum for 12 days and has not been seen since so no use replying to him after all this time.
3 * Nvidia Shield + Synology NAS DS218+ 2 * LG 77" + Genelec + WiiM Pro Plus & Mini + Adam T5V + T7V + T10S - ArcoLinux
oops Sad *makes note to self* read timestamp next time! Someone posting to an old post made me think otherwise.
Server: Ubuntu Server 22TB HDD running SAMBA
Kodi: 4 Raspberry Pi 3 running Libreelec -  on the main PC - running Linux Mint
My Setup thread |
Yes, it happens quite often. Even I am caught out at times.
My Signature
Links to : Official:Forum rules (wiki) | Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons (wiki) | Debug Log (wiki)
Links to : HOW-TO:Create Music Library (wiki) | HOW-TO:Create_Video_Library (wiki)  ||  Artwork (wiki) | Basic controls (wiki) | Import-export library (wiki) | Movie sets (wiki) | Movie universe (wiki) | NFO files (wiki) | Quick start guide (wiki)

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New User - Introduction0