XBMC 13.3-SPMC(3) Keeps blowing up even after data move
When my FTV's took the 5.0.5 update if I tried to play a movie or TV show it would briefly show "working" then immediately blow up and bring me back to AFTV menu.

I just followed the guide and moved the data to an external flash drive and I'm still blowing up. Is there a fix for this? Did I do something wrong? Do I have to move to the new SPMC?

I use CCM for a Skin and I also use remote SQL for database to allow for pause/play and watch flag across all boxes.

I've got 5 AFTV's SPMC's all broken.

Thanks for your help.


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XBMC 13.3-SPMC(3) Keeps blowing up even after data move0