Music Library - Song Sorting
I have all my songs named using an artist - song title scheme. They all have appropriate tag data filled in. I would like to sort the entire collection using a primary sort of the artist name and a secondary soft of the song title. Whenever I try to sort them it appears they are sorting in a artist then album manner. Is there any way I can change the secondary sort order? I am currently using a playlist to sort them the way I want but with over 8000 songs it takes some time to generate. I would use the simple file display instead of the library but I have to break the songs between directories to get them all loaded on. I am currently using the latest official release. I have read through the forums but couldn't find an easy way to do this. I don't have much programming experience and have never downloaded a CVS build and compiled. Is this my only option, as I have seen similar solutions completed by editing the FileItemSort.cpp file, but I don't even know where to find that. Thanks for any help you can provide.

You have a couple of options. First off, you can configure your music label layout (via settings) to display as you want (%A - %T I guess), then just sort by label.

This should work in library view and files view (assuming you have tag reading on ofcourse).

Also, you can easily combine sources from different shares when you add a new source (context menu in root).

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Thanks for the reply Jonathan. I have my music label layout configured to display as %A - %T, however I sill don't have an option in the library to sort by label unless I just haven't found it yet. If I enter under song then the only sort options I have available are Artist, Time, Track, Title, Album.

Using the option to combine to two directories as one source works nicely but only under files view. I would like to have all the extra features available under the library.

Thanks again for the help,
I've added Sort By: Name to the library song views.

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Thanks for all the help. Where and how do I get this new feature? Normally I simply download from "the usual places". I haven't had to build XBMC from the source code yet, is this necessary? Any help/hints would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks again,
I believe there was a new T3CH release just out. Pop over to and investigate.
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Music Library - Song Sorting0