v16 on MBOX
Hi There!
I have strange case. I have to connect directly over USB my external HDD. Kodi see this extSD1 . All files visible. But it is folders: Movies, Music, Txt.... etc... I dont want to see all of them. i want to see only if i opened Movies on Kodi i have to see only Movies . Is it way, just to add specific folders to the Movies library like i can do over SAMBA sharing?
And another case. The Box connected over Cat5 . Tv - over WiFi. I want to watch movies over UPnP. It is visible on my TV i can See Kodi .Open files , open sxtSD1 ....Tv says cant connect to specific folder .If i go through recently added video , i can play files but it is no structure all files in one place.
How i can organize ?
Thank you.
Also you can recommend "Google it". Thank you bro, helpfool

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