How can i have the real name of my Ext.HDD diplayed in kodi?
I have 10 external Harddrives connected to my Minix Neo X8-H Plus (via usb hub)
So my problem is, in Kodi the storages are shown as sda1/sdb1....
and not my storages real name. Everytime i restart the Minix or plug a drive in or out, all drives are changeing the the dive name.
Can i do something to get the Real Storage names in kodi?

Please help...i'm goin crazy Wink
From what I understand Kodi is getting the drive names from Android. So I don't think there is anything Kodi can do to change that.

Sent from my SGH-I337M
Ok...thanx for that. But when i go on the filebrowser from Android there i get the correct names.

Now i have tryed out with stikmount ...still not working


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How can i have the real name of my Ext.HDD diplayed in kodi?0