Xunity has hijacked Kodi?
Hi, sorry if this is a newb query.
Only recently got an xbmc box, generally very happy with it until someone in the household must have told it to install Xunity. I could probably reinstall the last previously wanted configuration save that on launching kodi it does not present the usual videos..system/filemanager screen bit goes straight to the Xunity menus. I have been paging through those for hours without finding the equivalent "utility" options to let me reinstall (or better yet a "remove Xunity reverting to last known good").
Is there a simple way of telling Xunity where to get off and getting me back to the first kodi screen or do i effectively have to start from scratch wiping kodi as an android app?
Get rid of it and block the add on from every being installed with parental controls
OS :Android 5.1
Box: Matircom G Box AMLS812
Kodi: SPMC
Connection ADSL(11MPS) , Ethernet
Game Systems : Wii, PS3
Cable Provider: WOW! (Wide Open West)
Media servers (windows 10 PC) Mediaportal, Playon, Kodi

I've heard it is very hard to uninstall it. It might be best to uninstall Kodi and stay over from scratch. You could always use the Backup add-on to save your configurations. Just don't use the 'restore' feature after the reinstall. Add the files back manually

Idok Fire
You must uninstall kodi and re-install an official version.... ie: start over. I say this because just uninstalling xunity will not remove everything. If you have a problem later within kodi "official" and submit a log to get help for your issue, there will be traces of that crap in the log and therefore you will receive no help and might get treated abit harshly.

And yes, either enable parental controls......... or be a parent!

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Xunity has hijacked Kodi?0