Playback issues (searched every where )
Hi guys, new here. Hope you can help.
Ive got 6 seperate media boxes. All were playing fine and all of a sudden they stopped playback. I then figured out that if i could choose the player that the file would play (DVDPLAYER). i thought maybe my isp was blocking so i bought a vpn. No success. I then changed my advance settings to use DVDPLAYR by default. No success. When i goto play a movie in an addon that you cant choose player, itll show the icon in the bottom left screen really fast , but does not play. So i then downloaded kodi onto my computer and everything plays fine. Im frustrated as all can be. Ive refreshed my boxes, downloaded different versions of kodi, im out of options
Which add-on are you having problems with?
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Playback issues (searched every where )0