Linux Plexbmc - Server sync alternative
I have 2 places where I would like to enjoy my movies, tv shows, etc through Kodi`s PlexBMC add-in. I already have Plex Server on my custom Linux NAS at home.

I am planning to buy a new HTPC (e.g. Rapsberry Pi 3 or Pine 64+) on a new location and host another Plex Server there because my internet will not be that fast to stream from one place to another.

I know that there is absolutely no way to synchronize watched shows and movies between 2 servers (damn!). I am not willing to use 3rd party Trackt plugin because I do not want to give my data to anyone.

Is there any alternative to 2 Plex server sync that I can use? I was thinking about the following:
1) OpenVPN (already have one at home) + some folder synchronization
2) Some Cloud/Mobile Sync (PlexPass way) server sync alternative?
3) Be a monkey and download stuff manually through the Plex Server web interface and OpenVPN.

Thanks for the tips!

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