Kodi 16.1 needs restarting daily
I've been using Kodi for ages, I've just updated to 16.1 (win 10 x64, core i3 2120, 8Gb RAM, 1TB SSD). Since doing the upgrade, the program has become unstable. Most days when i turn the TV on, the interface performance is really choppy, and takes ~30 seconds to update when I choose a new menu option. Restarting Kodi fixes it. It's not extensively modded - confluence skin, argus TV backend, MySQL for the database.

Any ideas why 16.1 has become unstable, and how to fix it?
Maybe post a log file?
OK, log enabled, will post once it starts misbehaving.
OK, as normal, it took about a day for the error to occur. That leaves me with a 55Mb log file. Is it OK if I just take the end of the log file?
You just need to put the log on xbmc logs or on paste bin, then put a link back here. It usually not good to to cut in the log, in case you accidentally remove an important part.
Are you running Kodi in fullscreen or windowed? I had the same issue as well as complete freezes and black screens when running 16.2 in fullscreen (Win 7 Pro and Win 10 Pro). Switching to windowed mode resolved this. Unfortunately, I get horrible audio offset when using windowed mode. I went back to Isengard 15.2.

i7 920
12gb ram
Win 10 Pro (and same problem on Win 7 Pro before upgrade)
(2016-06-07, 14:59)VortexDK Wrote: You just need to put the log on xbmc logs or on paste bin, then put a link back here. It usually not good to to cut in the log, in case you accidentally remove an important part.

XBMCLogs appears to be down 'An error has occurred, please try again later', and pastebin only allows 500Kb for free users.....
dropbox perhaps?
Just make a little script to restart kodi when your asleep if it advances into mega problems then id worry a restart a day keeps the forum away.
Cheers - log is here, if anyone can see anything of interest in it!


I have found two workarounds.

One is to clear the cache, with for example maintanance tool addon. Gives instant speedup, but not to fullspeed.

Second is set your kodi to Quit after a period of inactivity:
Settings - Power saving - Shutdown function -> Quit.
Settings - Power saving - Shutdown function timer -> prefered setting (I use 30 min)
Setttings-Input devices-Allow start of kodi using remote -> On
Then set your system sleep settings a little higher then the Kodi shutdown timer (I use 45 min)

Mind that Kodi does not trigger inactivity when a movie is paused!

PS: Your desktop will need some adjustments to let this be not so ugly...

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Kodi 16.1 needs restarting daily0