seeing file contents with xbmc
OK so i now have my NAS up and running ok, but i still have a couple of strange problems...

the first problem i now have are it will only go to the first drive and not to a file within a otherwords i have a share called movies....if i copy the avi (or whatever) directly to that drive i can see it however if i copy a file to it (with the avi within the file) i just get a message that says 'success' but cant get to the avi......any ideas would be greatly appreciated. i also seem to have a wierd one where if i play a file, then want to play another straight after i have to restart the xbmc (physically) or it just stops at 'caching'...again any ideas would be appreciated......

I read somewhere on here updating xbmc might help but i have no idea how to do that or where to get it as the version i have came on an installer disk with lots of other emulators any step by step guides would be great...just so you know when i switch on i get the evox screen (i'd also like to know how to boot it directly to xbmc)

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seeing file contents with xbmc0