using pysamba library timeouts with large files
Any scripters using the pysamba lybrary have experience transfering large files.

I can transfer text files and jpg's that are under 1MB. When I try and transfer large 12MB+ files it timeout.

import sys
import os
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import smb
import nmb
import re
import traceback

def get_browse_dialog( default="", heading="", dlg_type=1, shares="files", mask="", use_thumbs=False, treat_as_folder=False ):
    """ shows a browse dialog and returns a value
        - 0 : ShowAndGetDirectory
        - 1 : ShowAndGetFile
        - 2 : ShowAndGetImage
        - 3 : ShowAndGetWriteableDirectory
    dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
    value = dialog.browse( dlg_type, heading, shares, mask, use_thumbs, treat_as_folder, default )
    return value

filename = get_browse_dialog( heading = "File to copy" )
share_string = get_browse_dialog( heading = "Samba folder to save to", dlg_type=0 )

share_string_list = share_string.split( "/" )
remote_name = share_string_list[ 2 ]
remote_ip = nmb.NetBIOS().gethostbyname( remote_name )[ 0 ].get_ip()
remote_share = share_string_list[ 3 ]
remote_username = "Guest"
remote_password = ""

remote_object = smb.SMB( remote_name, remote_ip )
if ( remote_object.is_login_required() ):
    remote_object.login( remote_username, remote_password )

# copy the file using pysamba
file_object = open( filename, "rb")
remote_object.stor_file( remote_share, "/".join( share_string_list[ 4 : ] ) + os.path.basename( filename ),, password=remote_password, timeout=20 )
# using httpapi works with large files
#xbmc.executehttpapi("FileCopy(%s,%s)" % ( filename, share_string + os.path.basename( filename ), ) )

I can use the httpapi, but it just bothered me that pysamba failed.
For python coding questions first see
I've transfered files in excesses of 50mb using smb & nmb samba libraries without problem (in my DVDProfiler script).
Retired from Add-on dev
sorry, on re-reading your code, it seems your sending from xbox to PC (stor_file), my success was in fetching large files (retr_file)
Retired from Add-on dev
mybe a dumb question:

why did you set timeout = 20 Huh
mybe the file is not completed tranferred in 20 sec
IIRC, if i didn't set a timeout it just froze, but it still only copied 64k or something like that.
For python coding questions first see
you dont have to specify password and timeout

mybe this working;

remote_object.stor_file( remote_share, "/".join( share_string_list[ 4 : ] ) + os.path.basename( filename ),
What is this pysamba, can i stream from xbox to pc with it?

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using pysamba library timeouts with large files0