is it possible to run xbmc in xebian?
I am currently running xebian on my xbox, but I would like to run bxmc as an application.
Is this possible or do I have have to install it as an dashboard?

Thanks in advance
There's no point in running XBMC in linux on an XBOX1.

Since Linux and it's processes/programs will take resources them self, XBMC is left with less ram, cpu time, gpu time if you run it in Linux. The original standalone XBMC will always be better for an XBOX1.

Of course you might want to test it just for the hell of it, but be aware that the experience (performance, and at this point features) will never be comparable with the original XBMC, if it works at all at this point.

The Linux port is meant for PCs.
stoffel - way to go. you are now officially banned. after a single post. the same goes for the rest of you guys that think about POSTING REQUEST FOR HELP AND ALL KINDS OF CRAP THAT VIOLATES THE POINT OF THIS FORUM. LET THIS BE THE PROOF WE ARE SERIOUS
spiff Wrote:stoffel - way to go. you are now officially banned. after a single post. the same goes for the rest of you guys that think about POSTING REQUEST FOR HELP AND ALL KINDS OF CRAP THAT VIOLATES THE POINT OF THIS FORUM. LET THIS BE THE PROOF WE ARE SERIOUS

Banned for ignorance Rofl

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is it possible to run xbmc in xebian?0