scrape album.nfo to add review/description
I use album.nfo to add a review/description for some albums or audiobooks.

album.nfo looks like this:
  <review>album description</review>

The problem is that album.nfo is not scraped when a (properly tagged) album is added to the library or when I add album.nfo to an already scraped album and do a simple refresh of the library. I have to refresh every album manually through album info - refresh to get album.nfo scraped and have the review shown in album information. Is there any way to force a scrape of the newly added album.nfo for the existing albums?

Thanks for your thoughts!

P.S. Using Jarvis 16.1
Kodi version?

There is a bug in Jarvis that means that "Query Info for All" only actually does something the first time it is used since either powerup or the last "Update Library". Hence when retrying scraping you also need to click on "update library" first even if there have been no changes to your music files. This may be contributing, and the issue has been fixed in v17.

Scraping (from NFO or online) only happens automatically when the library is updated if "Fetch additional information during updates" is enabled. Otherwise use "Query info for all" as descibed above.

Updating already scraped albums, and I do mean scraped not just scanned into library, does have issues. Kodi only attempts to scrape those items that have a null last scraped date. This means you have to remove the item from the library and add a new, or if you have the skills then modify the data in the database using a SQL tool.

I believe the existence of NFO overrides using online data sources, but you may also want to change the scraper setting to use local information only.

NFO use unfortunately has many weak points, but I hope that helps.
Thanks for your reply. I will give Krypton a try and see, whether the problem persists and report here. Thanks!

"Fetch additional information during updates" already did the trick on my local setup. Thank you so much for pointing me there!

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scrape album.nfo to add review/description0