Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
XBMC Streams
Okay, I have a stream I am trying to access of my xbox. The streams are from a paid provider call in2streams.

When i run the stream from my PC it works fine, no buffering just plays normally and at what ever size screen I throw at it.

I made a .strm file and place it in a text document and load the stream. It plays for a little but and then I get the buffering thing and after a while it caches starts palying again but then 5 minutes later it does the same thing. I tried altering the cache limits in XBMC but still have the same issue.

I would like to know the following.

1) The streams for in2streams come up when I am browsing the shout cast streams. Is there a way to edit those streams to put in my user name and password and run it through the shout cast script?

2) On my home PC I open the internet in2stream stream in VLC and broadcast it on the network. When I load the VLC stream on the XBOX it plays only the audio and no video? Can anyone think why this may be?

Any help appreciated.

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