Film information files
Hi everybody,
I'm new here and in Kodi system.
I have a Synology server hosting a "video" share, which contains hundreds of films. Those films are sorted in categories (Action, Adventure, SciFi, War...) and sometimes in sub-categories (Adventures/Tolkien/Lord of the rings/...).

I downloaded Kodi on my MAC and i'm looking for a soft for OS-X that can scan my folders, and get NFO files that can be read by Kodi (or other systems...).

I tried ViMediaManager and MediaElch but none of them seems to be able to handle my configuration.

Can someone help me ?
I'm not sure why you need the nfo files. When you add video in Kodi, it will ask the type of media, ie movies & when it scans, it should pick up most fanart for the movies you have.

Naming the movies is probably key to this.

After scanning, there is an addon called missing movies, which will tell you which movies ahven't been found.
Thx. In the meanwhile i found a solution with a third party soft : TinyMediaManager. It scans a whole tree and gets fanarts and NFO files from cinema databases.
Then i just update library in Kodi and it's done.

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