ned, sorry, to be clear, that was what it looked like from our perspective. I was trying to say that in the post, but obviously failed. From our perspective, it looked like rob was egging you on, and that was just one example of how he was doing it. There was some post or other where instead of replying, he actually said, "Ned, aren't you going to say something" or something like that, and to us, at the time, it just looked like confirmation that he was egging you on. Whatever was happening in reality doesn't really matter when what I'm trying to do is explain our mindset as we watch events proceed. To us it looked like X. Reality might be more like Y, but if the question was what we thought we were saying, it was X.
Quote:Seriously, who on your team thought that you guys still had enough social credit to be able to ban Rob without having a detailed explanation ready to post? Whose word are we supposed to be taking here?
@Karnagious: I rarely do this, but... lol, wut? You seem to have forgotten that this is the Team's forum. You can call us whatever you want, North Korea, the USSR, some other totalitarian state, but we don't NEED social credit to ban anyone. We can ban whenever and whoever we want for any reason we deem appropriate. This is a private forum. We try to be reasonable and follow the rules we created so that people can know when they might be crossing a line, but we can change or even ignore those rules at frankly any time we want, so long as the team generally agrees to it.
I think people sometimes forget this. Maybe it should be spelled out a bit more clearly somewhere.