Audio Issues
Could use some help with audio from Akaso M8S to my Sony sound bar. Have tried running through TV and now direct in to optical audio input on sound bar. Neither option is working. Would appreciate any help!
If you post your Debug Log someone could have a look, else not :-)
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Not to challenge you in any way fritsch, by all means I'm no expert here, but how would the debut log help with this? I'm hoping it has more to do with settings of the M8s, TV or sound bar.
The debug log gives information about your system, the configuration, what output is being used, what CODECs are being used, what errors (if any) are being thrown, and so on. It's an in-depth look at what Kodi is seeing from (potentially) startup through use to shutdown.

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