Kodi install
I am installing Kodi on my Samsung s5 phone. Kodi installs but I can not get Kodi add on repository to work. Everytime I try to do anything it says it can not connect to the repository.I have Kodi installed on 2 computers and my Samsung s6 and it works flawlessly. I also can not get the debugger to work on it.
Your previous posts got sent to garbage because of unlawful sources. So, please expand on which repositories you're trying to use, and why they're somehow different to previous attempts...
It is the Kodi add-on repository. The one that comes on Kodi and Im assuming that is in no way illegal since it comes with the install of Kodi. I installed a fresh copy of Kodi with nothing illegal on it and I cant get it to do anything.
Then we really need a debug_log (wiki) - although I note your comment about "can't get the debugger to work", so maybe we need to work on that first. What's the problem there?
I am following the instructions on the link for the debug log. It says to go to Programs/ get more but there is nothing in program. It says Android apps and Program addons. When I go into Program add ons there is a get more but there is nothing there.
Then switch on debugging through the GUI or via a file, as per the instructions - the GUI method is easier. You can view the log file through something like ES File Explorer and then cut-and-paste to pastebin.

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