Setup Kodi in my TV BOX from PC
Hi. To Setup Kodi in my Beelink MXIII Mini II TV BOX is very uncomfortable even using keybords, mouse or remote app like "Kore".
Specially the insertion of text like paths for repository and addons is a true pain.
I would like to know if there is a way to setup the Kodi TV Box from my PC with a wireless/remote connection.
I'm not talking about mirroring .. I mean something like a "remote setup". I mean to access the kodi settings from my pc.
Especially for adding these sources paths in the file manager.
I think taking advantage of copy/paste without having to write an impossible to remember string or without copy it by eyes looking at a sheet of paper would be a very great thing. Is there a way to do that?
This feature might be skin dependant, but to add sources to the default skin, I get a requester and one of the options is 'browse', this is about simple as it can get, mouse away. Initial set-up out-of-the-box with the exception of browsing to sources, and a few box ticks should be functional immediately. To do this remotely might prove a bit more difficult, not having a lot of experience with putting Kodi on someone's system by remote, but might be possible if you Shanghi a windows desktop. You could set up a back-up file to be ftped to a source, then execute the back-up/install procedure, but would seem a little more troublesome than typing a path.

I suspect your complaint, is sliding down a path which has no support here.

Thread moved to Android [PatK]
Sorry I meant "Internet paths" .. You can not use the "browse" option for those.
They are very long and difficult to remember. Writing them is a real agony.
With Kodi on pc is not a problem because you can use the copy / paste feature.
But on a TV BOX is a real pain.
Meanwhile I found the "copy / paste" option in Kore and Yatse apps but it is still very uncomfortable with a smartphone ..
You have to: close yatse/kore - go somewhere to find a text file in which you have previously written the paths you need -
copy paths from the text file - close the text file - return to yatse an paste it to kodi .....
I think colud be a very usefull feature to "control" some Kodi settings remotely from your PC. Expecialy paths file manager.
Something like the webserver feature
I think you're breaking ground in new territory that I have little or no experience. Your suggestion might be valid, but most of the devs are busy playing Santa's helper trying to get the iterations of Kodi into the sack. If this is something you feel would be the bee's knee's for Kodi, by all means post in the 'Feature Requests' forum (, and when the devs are finished with the North Pole, they will deal with wishes and wants.

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Setup Kodi in my TV BOX from PC0