Kodi 17 RC3 still LiveTV flickering
Kodi 17RC still flickering strip on the very top of a video. it stops when i
turn off graphic adapter accelaration. Have more Kodi crashes then with

Windows 10, Geforce GT710, Intel i3, ASRock1110M
force window mode without borders and not fullscreen mode
Tried Kodi 17 RC3. And still have problems with flickering stripe on the top of tv live video. On 16.1 no probs. Tried window mode. No change. deactivating gpu accelaration brings no difference.

Windows 10, Geforce GT710, Intel i3, ASRock1110M

Update: now installed nightly build. With this it is solved. No flickering stripe.
(2017-01-16, 11:46)charliekay74 Wrote: Update: now installed nightly build. With this it is solved. No flickering stripe.

Which nightly build. Can you write down the full filename please.
I tried several nightly builds and all are flickering on my system.

Windows 10, Geforce gtx 960
After installing nightly the flickering was gone. Today its there again. No solution for that. Fonts/text on video are also flickering. To that i have crashes of kodi regularly. And today a pvr recording was deleted after i pushed pgup/pgdn button on remote during playback the file. Can not remember that i pressed c button and chose delete file. Will test RC3 some more days. If problems not solved i have to go back to 16.1 which had no problems.

The flickering appears only on some TV channels. N24 is flickering, ARD,ZDF without. PVR client is Mediaportal.

Update: flickering stops on channel, when i choose "m" button on remote. Go to video settings and set deinterlace mothode to inactive

Too many crashes. Some addons deactivate at every start of kodi. RSS Client not campatible but after activating works well. RC3 for me Unusable at the moment. Back to 16.1.

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Kodi 17 RC3 still LiveTV flickering0