Bug [Kodi v17.0 RC2/RC3/RC4/Final] Cant play any video over smb in Windows Store version
Hello bug hunters Smile
I have a problem that none of my movies can be played over smb regardless fileextension. They play fore a few seconds, by estimate 15sec, and then stops. If I play the same file locally from my hdd there is no problem.
This works without issues in v16.1 but not in v17.0RC2. I havn't tested any versions in between.
The logfile can be found https://paste.ubuntu.com/23912230/

Some info: I run Kodi v17.0 RC2 Windows Store edition on Win10 1607, the movies shared locally from a NAS over SMB. I use centralized database over mysql. The file tested in this logfile "Before the Flood (2016).mkv".

Kodi 17.0 Krypton, Win10 running on an ASRock ION 330HT HTPC
Tested a little more and this has definitely to do with Windows Store version. If I run the same files over SMB in the standard version of Kodi all works fine.
Kodi 17.0 Krypton, Win10 running on an ASRock ION 330HT HTPC
This seems to be the case with RC3 also.
Kodi 17.0 Krypton, Win10 running on an ASRock ION 330HT HTPC
Same with RC4
Kodi 17.0 Krypton, Win10 running on an ASRock ION 330HT HTPC
And same with final.
Kodi 17.0 Krypton, Win10 running on an ASRock ION 330HT HTPC
And same in v17.1 RC1
Kodi 17.0 Krypton, Win10 running on an ASRock ION 330HT HTPC

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[Kodi v17.0 RC2/RC3/RC4/Final] Cant play any video over smb in Windows Store version0