Adding kodi films/tv onto google search in nVidia Shield?
Sorry, I didnt want to ask the question in the Shield post as I think i may get lost with all the talk of the new update.

The Shield update will have google home integration. Is there a way to include films/tv that are part of the kodi library into this. Therefore when I voice search it will bring items from the library?
The Kodi fork SPMC already does this (I think, at least is DOES show tiles on the homescreen for Kodi library items) but I don't think there are any plans for this in Kodi AFAIK.
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Yes SPMC certainly does, as does PLEX.

With the new Shield always listening all you will have to say to activate voice search initially is "OK Google".

You can even search from the Android TV GUI and it will pull up the SPMC (Kodi) library Film/TV titles covers with little SPMC Logo's stamped on them. Its a really handy feature for a large media Library.

More info on Google Assist is found here:


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Adding kodi films/tv onto google search in nVidia Shield?0