Cant Update Kodi from 15.2

I am currently Running Kodi 15.2 and have been trying to upgrade without success for some time.

Yesterday I got brave and Installed V16 over the top with half the move database going missing. I restored it bnack to 15.2 and installed V17 over the top,again I lose half my database of movies. (To exactly the same spot it would seem making me think there is a fault in the database)

If I then try to update the database, i get doubles and movies missing, It is a nightmare with over 3500, movies in the database.
I also of course have my selected posters and artwork, and names of movies which means weeks of work if i am to rebuild the database again.

So here i sit at 15.2 afraid to update.

Any Ideas
No fears, let's make sure you have exported your library to separate files (hopefully, you have the movies in folders with their own name and date), double check by looking into one of the movie folders, and ensure movie.nfo movie-poster.jpg etc are with the movie. I'm unsure of why only half your collection didn't show up, could be corruption, might be you didn't give time for the cache to build, or the scrapes are from an older mouldy scraper.

Regardless, go with 17 RC4 we are so close to full release, it would not make much sense to miss this opportunity. Do check that you have full operability (play a video) and you're comfortable with the skin (Estuary is a bit different, but it is a nice change) unless another skin that is Krypton comparable is more to your taste. Update any add-ons or scrapers that need updating.

Perhaps a few of the sources semi-populated, no issues; re-define your source(s) one at a time (I'm hoping you have a number of sources and that each source has a smaller fraction of your collection), pick the scraper (Universal recommended) set settings and let the re-scan continue, when it's finally done enter the source and scroll through the listings allowing the thumbs to populate. Slightly quicker and a tad safer if your meta-data is up-to-date is using the local information scraper, that way only the meta-data in your folders will be pulled in and do the same by entering the source and scroll through watching for the population of the artwork. Do this for each source, and you'll be sure of a smooth operating Kodi. Don't forget to set the scraper to your personal choice after this operation, and don't re-scan.

A system clean should take care of the duplicates. I find this program invaluable

Hope all this makes sense. This operation can also been done from fresh start, but you would lose some of your settings in Kodi and any advanced settings file etc.
Thanks PatK,

Completley forgot about the export library function.

I have just been copying the Kodi folder from one machine to another to keep everything up to date.

I will certainly give that a go and let you know. Thanks So much.
Hooray Success,

Thanks for the suggestion. It took all day and half the night to update but I got it to update to V16.

I looked at 17, but I cant get the hang of the interface, and the change Skins function doesn't seem to be working yet.

Thanks Heaps.
i´m using window; and appers like oficial repo it´s no working. No add on installation are possible. may be that´s the reason
Quote: the change Skins function doesn't seem to be working yet.
Humm must be, I'm using T! for the skin, and it's wonderful. As @defleppard mentioned, it could have been a temp network issue with a mirror. Glad it's all in though.
And so my dramas continue.....

I Finally get Kodi Working with my Database completely intact.

I go to play something tonight, and the only way i can describe it. is a resolution of 1x1

1 Big Pixel changing colour.

Guess I better open a new thread for that... Follow at Resolution of 1x1 after Update.

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Cant Update Kodi from 15.20