Android Sony XBR x800D 4K with IPVanish working
Recently purchased a new Sony XBR x800D 4K smart TV. Kodi 17 works flawless. IPVanish gave me a fit for a couple of days. However it can be side loaded and works awesome as well. You will need or I did use ES File Explorer to get to the app on whatever device you copy it to. Just go to the device (USB or other) and just double click. The install will launch. If you are unable to see the program after you install it just access it through apps in File Explorer. Also when you download the APK and if it gets saved as a zip file you can rename it or use another browser such as Fire Fox or Chrome. It will come down as a APK file. Kodi 17 on the Google store will install fine.

Hope this helps someone. Sony has some great technology and pictures on their new TV's.

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