v17 Kodi V17, MySQL DB and episode views

Since upgrading to V17 Kodi it does not appear to be reading the episode viewed status correctly from the MYSQL database. For example for a particular episode of a show I can see in the 'files' table that it has a playcount count of 1 (or more) but looking at that episode in Kodi its showing as not having been viewed. There are a lot of shows/episode like this.

How can I resolve this so Kodi displays which episodes have been viewed correctly? I thought I'd sorted this by refreshing all the shows content and restoring the playcount from backup copy of the files table I had but after restarting Kodi it failed to display the viewed information correctly again.

Windows 10
Kodi 17.0 Git.20120201-a10c504
MySQL 5.7.14
It appears upgrading MySQL to latest version 5.7.17 and the MySQL connector to the latest version resolved the issue.

Will monitor how goes moving forward

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Kodi V17, MySQL DB and episode views0