v17 Directory Scanning
Hi, first I have to admit to being a fairly new user of Kodi. I had 16.1 installed on my MINIX TV system and decided to upgrade (it seemed a good idea at the time).
Sadly I didn't get around to looking at V17 much before I had to back it out and fall back to 16.1. Here is my very simple reason, I am hoping there is a circumvention or an easy way to resolve this.
I keep all my video files (many different types) on a NAS which I access from Kodi using SMB. For historical reasons (and yes probably I should reorganise somehow) all my video files are organised under a single parent directory in many subdirectories.
Normally, because the directories have a reasonable structure I would work down the directory until i got to the video i wanted, play it and then at then end back up to the high level parent.
It is backing up/out to the high level parent that in Kodi 17 gives me a big issue since it now rescans the whole directory looking for new files as soon as I get to that level. With the old Kodi 16 I would have to back right out of the SMB share and then go into it again to get the directory update scan to run.
Now if this was a local system maybe it would be not so much of an issue (I can't tell) but across the SMB share it clearly takes a very long time each time it decides to check the directory for updates and is pretty impractical so I am thinking I must have missed a configuration option somewhere there?
Does anybody have any ideas or should I just accept that I am going to have to stick at V 16.1 to avoid this scan update?
Why aren't you using library function for videos? It's kind of the whole point of Kodi to me. No need to roam the folders :-)

Well to be honest I would prefer to have the option of either. It's true I dont use the library all the time. I have the satellite box recording into the same directory structure and in many cases for that I find/found the directory more useful.

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