v17 Custom menu entry?

I just migrated to Kodi 17 and getting used to Estuary. I love the skin and will keep it as my default skin, but I'm just wondering about the following: I was using previously Aeon Nox with a custom menu point for Basketball games - which do not get scraped.


Basically, I have a folder under /storage/videos/basketball where I put some recorded basketball games which are excluded by any scraping. Is there a way to create a new menu item pointing to a custom folder/resource and exclude this from scraping?

Would be awesome to have a menu structure like:

TV Shows

Hope this would be possible without some heavy mod hacking ...
It's not possible with default estuary or any other estuary mod at the moment.

If you need custom main menu items, you need another skin (not estuary) at least at the moment.

Greetings Hoppel
frontend: nvidia shield tv 2019 pro | apple tv 4k | sonos arc 5.1.2 | lg oled65c97la
backend: supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon | 64gb ecc | wd red | zfs raid-z2 | dd max s8

software: debian | proxmox | openmediavault | docker | kodi | emby | tvheadend | fhem | unifi
Thanks, I'm using an easy workaround now: setting my folder /storage/video/basketball as favorite. Wink

This way, I can still access it quickly from Estuary main screen and the basketball tv rips do not get scraped.
You can add a custom menu item in Estuary Mod. Just go to Settings -> Skin Settings -> Home Menu -> Customize Main Menu.

Create a new menu item, and just point it to whatever folder you want. I made one for my F1 videos
You could also use the sports TV scraper to scrape basketball now as a normal Item, then video nodes to filter it.
Is there a reasonable chance that an option for this will be added to the default Estuary skin?
I would also really like to see this feature added to the default Estuary skin.
Probably not, as far as I know there are performance limitations on using the skinshortcuts Add-on.

Check out estuary mod to see what I mean.
Thanks handbone & docwra. I would have also preferred a solution for the default skin - I do not want to use mods or skin hacks any longer for personal reasons. I did in the past and it broke my default skin after some skin updates, so with Kodi 17 I want to stick to "official" (tested) stuff from now on.

The workaround with using a favorite to point to a custom folder in the filesystem works for me ok - even though I must admit that an entry in the main menu as in post #4 looks more pretty though. Cool
Another workaround, the items in the Categories area (the top line of widget shortcuts) come from the configured Library nodes, so you could add a custom tv show node for Basketball and it should appear there, see http://kodi.wiki/view/Video_library_node...ustom_node

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Custom menu entry?0