Android Unbearable load times
I have upgraded to Krypton and I must say that the new UI is awesome. On a sad note, the add ons are now unbearably slow.

Before going any further I had no problems with Jarvis and yes I have upgraded my firmware to one from late 2016 (september I think). It's running Android 5.1.1.

I have tried a whole bunch of addons but literally every time I see that blue spinner it is time to go and do something else while it loads.

No errors in the logs just a huge time gap.

Oh I also tried various nightly builds with the fix for python menus or whatever it was but no difference.

Any idea what could be the cause of this?
Just removing the names of the banned addons (wiki) mentioned in your previous thread will not change the answer...
Moanbag is in da place!
Supply a debug log and we'll see what we can see.

Best make sure it's a clean one mind or this thread will be sent to the bin so fast it will make your head spin...

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