v16 Unable to watch 3D movie using active glasses on panasonic tv
I have got 3D active glasses for my panasonic TX-55CX700B tv and the 3D function on the tv remote control is highlighted out so i cannot change any option when a 3D movie side by side is playing.
Is there any way to do it on kodi. I followed some you tube videos but no luck. I have 3D movies on Kodi and when playing them i get a side by side image.
How i do get the 3D button to appear on the menu bar when playing a 3D movie?
basically how do i get 3D to work using active 3D glasses on my panasonic tv when playing 3D movies using Kodi 16.1
help is much appreciated.
Did you ever find a solution to this?I'm having the same problem.
There is no solution to this except if you download the 3d movie from kodi onto your PC and copy it on an external hard drive then play it back on your tv, then it works.

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Unable to watch 3D movie using active glasses on panasonic tv0