Win Dual Monitor- Kodi on one, video on the other?
I'm utilizing a monitor with keyboard and mouse on the coffee table for the Kodi interface, and would like to use my second monitor (a Samsung LED LCD connected with HDMI) as the video display.

So basically, have my controls on the table and the video piped up to the TV. What I'm seeing is that video will only play on the same window or screen as KODI.

Is there a way around this? a script or add on of some sort? I'm novice to this.. Kodi 17.1
Kodi was never designed to separate the control system from the player, but using something like the new kid on the block follow the instruction in this and you should have the control page up Add-on:Chorus (wiki). Alternative: Yatse, Web interface (wiki)

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Dual Monitor- Kodi on one, video on the other?0