Error installing
Everytime I try to install the new kodi v17.1 I get an error code. It reads:

Error opening file for writing:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\d3dcompiler_47.dull

Click abort to stop the installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file.

Then it proceeds to give me the choice to abort, retry, ignore. But it only let's me select abort, please someone help me I count on kodi to keep my kids occupied while we are in the house.
Are you picking up Kodi from the link top left or from the windows store?
(2017-03-30, 04:21)thefreak90blue Wrote: Error opening file for writing:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\d3dcompiler_47.dull

Is this just a typo and it shows
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\d3dcompiler_47.dll
or does it show .dull?
(2017-03-30, 07:37)PatK Wrote: Are you picking up Kodi from the link top left or from the windows store?

and what is the 'link top left'? I only get windows store and installer immediately next to each other (from the Kodi website). There is a 'nightly' box that I don't touch. I click on 'installer'. Downloads about 80 megs. Then same error when I try to open. If I ignore them all, and finish install, Kodi doesn't open at all.
There's two buttons beside the word 'release', one says 'windows store' and the other says 'installer', (the download screen used to only have the 'release' or nightly as a choice). The reason I asked is that the userdata folder is in another place in the MS store and we had some initial issues with the new release on the windows store version. At this point, I'm unsure of the problem you have, and would like to see a proper debug log (wiki) This link will provide details on how to turn on the loggin within Kodi even if it hasn't launched. Log file/Advanced (wiki) Look at section 1.2 Turn on debugging using a file (advancedsettings.xml)

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Error installing1