No full screen/Window control
Using Kodi17.1 on Windows 10 1703 (build 15063).
If I run FaceBook GameRoom, I lose the ability to switch between windowed and full screen display (using ALT-ENTER). The only found solution is to reboot my computer, which is not an option.
Any suggestions or fixes?
Thank you
Have you tried the slash key "\" to jump between windowed mode and full screen? FaceBook GameRoom is that inside a browser? I take it you're multi-tasking Kodi with something else, what if you enter into Kodi windowed mode only, perhaps full screen window?
Not always multitasking. Simply running GameRoom, closing it, then going to Kodi gives the same results.
And no, didn't know about the backslash key also switching screens. Thank you for this. This does seem to work.
I have found many places in here, with Estuary skin, that the mouse will not work, but some key stroke does. I do consider this an overlooked bug.
The poor mouse usability with estuary is not a bug

You should see it as a collateral damage of the "10 feet kodi experience from your couch"

Only solutions:
-use a remote
-use a game controller
-switch to a more "mouse-friendly" skin
Moanbag is in da place!

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No full screen/Window control1