Duplicate Icons in Videos Section
Hello. I'm running Kodi 17 with the Emby plug-in.
Everything works great but when I select the Videos option, I see duplicate Emby icons.
For instance, There are 2 Emby TV and 2 Emby Movies icons.
Kodi did the same under Kodi 16.

I can't figure out how to resolve this.
Any suggestions?

Here's a screenshot.

watch gallery
Add-on:Emby for Kodi (wiki) There is a support forum for Emby here http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=229038 and it's likely you know there is a specific Emby support site.

With that said, looking at the screen shot, it appears like you have multiple sources (perhaps with the same videos in each source?) If this is the case, then using the information tool on one of the videos in focus should spell out the 'real' file path.... compare this with one of the other duplicate sources, and re-check the path. If they are the same, then you have duplicate sources and you should be able to delete one of the duplicate sources and do a system clean.If the path is even slightly different... (case etc included) then you have another issue; same problem but slightly different solution.

Debug log might help. Suspect in this case is Emby itself; some of the more experienced Emby users might offer better solutions.

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Duplicate Icons in Videos Section1