Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Playback randomly stops over smb share
Hi all,

I have all my files stored on an ubuntu NAS and I have my Windows system running Kodi v17 accessing the files as an smb share through the software itself (no mapped drives).

I have been having an issue only in Kodi (the network doesn't drop from the Windows machine) where playback simply stops and I am sent back to the episode list. Sometimes I can immediately reconnect other times I have to wait a little while before it will load the show again.

Here is a log of the problem I also have an advanced settings file which was supposed to help with buffering

I can see a few lines I think might be an issue but I really am at a loss as to what to try, if it makes any difference I am only running the Steam Launcher Addon.
Not a networking expert, but looking at the advancedsettings paste-> Note: In Kodi v17, the three buffer settings are removed from the <network> tag and now placed under the new <cache> tag. See #cache for full details. advancedsettings.xml (wiki) might want to tickle these before throwing your hands into the air.
My current advanced settings linked had the buffering value in the cache section.

I will try adding some of the other values and see what happens.

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Playback randomly stops over smb share0