Android Support for SMBv2/3?
I've posted in the Linux sub-forum as I have a linux implementation and with help their I was successfully able to ask kodi to access my samba shares using SMBv3 and a Team Kodi member also confirmed the same for the embedded alts e.g. LibreElec. (

However my primary use case for Kodi is on my Nvidia Shield and I cannot achieve the same so am hopeful if someone could confirm either user error and offer any guidance or that there is a protocol support difference between Kodi's libsmbclient support on linux vs android?

My samba server is a stock Ubuntu 17.04 install with my /etc/samba/smb.conf file amended to include...

server min protocol = SMB2
client min protocol = SMB2
client max protocol = SMB3

On my Shield I've confirmed from the log file that Kodi's envhome is set as /Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/ and am amending the relative .smb/smb.conf file. I've confirmed this is the right file as I can break Kodi's ability access my server using NT1/SMBv1 by amending config. However the linux solution of adding 'client max protocol = SMB3' doesn't have the desired affect and I'm not locating any further info that says this should work and unfortunately I've no skills to review the code on github with any confidence.

Any help would be appreciated.
See the response from wsnipex regarding android on the very same thread you mention.

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Support for SMBv2/3?0