Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
tbn thumbnails
i've done a lots of searches trying to figure out how to do this, so far with no success.

i am putting all my mp3s on to my xbox, and want to add thumbnails. until i figure it out properly, i have just put one album on there. i have created a test image, of type .png (renamed to .tbn), and put instances of it in apps/xbmc/thumbs, apps/xbmc/albums/thumbs, and in the album folder. i have put in instances with the same name as the folder ("air - moon safari.tbn") and as the first track on the album ("01 - la femme d'argent.tbn").

but still no joy. can anyone help? is the .png file format the right one??

folder.jpg in each folder...
check my signature for a utility to extract the thumbs for all your mp3 files.
| xbox1: v1.1, samsung dvd,120 gb hd,x-ecuter pro 2.2,xbmc
| xbox2: v1.2, phillips dvd, retail hd, tsop, avalaunch, xbmc
| xirremote, x2_4977, media center utils

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