Unwanted update to kodi 17.3
I am not ready to create a new 17.3 build for my box. A few days ago I powered up my box to find it automatically updated from 16.1 to 17.3. I deleted the Kodi addon reinstalled my 16.1 APK and my personal build.I turned off version check and in setting /apps / kodi I unchecked the show notifications box and again a couple days later the damn thing upgraded again with no intention from me to do so. Please point me in the right direction as to why this is happening and how to stop it from happening. I want to keep my 16.1 for a while longer. Thanks in advance
You have to go into the Google Playstore and turn off all Autoupdates for ALL Apps.

A better idea might be to install a nice Kodi fork/alt. version called SPMC 16.7.x from the Playstore - it is Kodi Jarvis based with all the latest security updates.

You may even be able to used the Kodi Backup addon to migrate settings & Addons between Kodi 16.x and SPMC 16.7.x

It's only Playstore behaviour.
If you want to go a different route, do as wrxtasy suggests
Iirc you can turn it off per app.
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Unwanted update to kodi 17.30