MP3 Playlist Playback + Video / Picture Viewer?

Is it possible to run a music playlist and at the same time, see videos or pictures from the library? So instead of the video sound, the sound would come from a bunch of MP3s?

If yes, how? If no, could I add that as a feature request (where)?

Not anymore. That feature was removed from v16, so no use making a Feature Request as it won't be considered.
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Too bad :-(

Is there a reason for the removal? Or was it just hard to maintain or something like that?
It was difficult to maintain with the limited number of developers on the team and it was a function that was used by an extremely small minority of the userbase.

It was determined that efforts were better spent elsewhere on the project.
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Ok, Understood...

In Windows, I have a workaround. I simply start the Audio Playback e.g. in WinAmp and set the Volume of Kodi to 0 in the Mixer. Do you know, if there is a similar workaround for Raspberry PI? It should be able to run a MP3 player in the background, but how do I control it (at least start / stop, maybe even load a playlist) and how do I set Kodis volume to 0 without muting the whole Pi?

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MP3 Playlist Playback + Video / Picture Viewer?0