Kodi input blue screen, need to unplug PI
Hi all,

I am very new to this but I have a quick question I hope you can help with. I have KODI on the PI and it works great with my ORTEK remote. Its plug directly into the TV via HDMI. The problem I am having is when I go to TV or watch a DVD and return to the KODI (Pi) input its a blank blue screen. The remote does nothing. I have to unplug the kodi and plug it back in and then it boots up and the remote works fine. Its probably not good to do this so I was hoping for a fix.

Once its on the blue screen the remote in unresponsive. I also tried two different HDMI cords and going through my receiver and its the same. During the process the KODI (Pi) stays on, it doesn't shut down until I unplug it.

Any suggestions? I hate to keep unplugging it every time I want to watch a movie.
You should try this.

Thanks ActionA, I tried it and it didn't work but we did fix it.

My problem was the harmony remote, apparently I am using Media Center PC as the device and for whatever reason when I switched activities it was turning something off in the PI even though the lights stayed on.
I went into devices, then media center PC then changed power setting to keep device on at all times. Once synced it work like a charm. Been dealing with for months and its finally fixed - thanks!!

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Kodi input blue screen, need to unplug PI0