Remapping keys / Harmony, PS3 adaptor
I'm new to all this (Pi, Kodi, Libreelec, Linux in general ), so excuse my ignorance please,

I'm trying to 'bind' some 'hotkeys' to adjust the Zoom + & Zoom - ( when playing TV / Video's )
I'm trying to use my Harmony one remote (IR) with my Logitech Harmony Adapter for PlayStation 3 device (blue tooth) to my Pi, but having issues,
so I did some testing using this code for a keyboard which works


But if I do this for the "remote" it does not work,
  <remote device="devinput">

this is the data for the keys I’m using ,

# LibreELEC #
# #

LibreELEC (official): 8.1.1 (RPi2.arm)
MyPi:~ # irw

1b5 0 KEY_FRAMEFORWARD devinput
1b4 0 KEY_FRAMEBACK devinput

this is what the adapter looks like,

ps everything else works with the Harmony remote, except what I’m trying to ‘bind’

any ideas where i'm going wrong ?

Thanks for any help,

Have a look at the Add-on:Keymap_Editor (wiki) add-on in the built-in wiki and see if that helps you.

It makes setting up custom keymaps somewhat easier than writing the xml directly.
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IIRC, when using the "devinput" device driver with lirc, as opposed to the "default", the keys are sent as regular keyboard inputs. Therefore, your modifications to your keymap.xml should be in a <keyboard> element, not a <remote> element. Give that a try instead.

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Remapping keys / Harmony, PS3 adaptor0