Chorus web interface sucks! Any alternatives?
As the title says, the Chorus web interface sucks! Like really bad. Why the developer chose to remove the on screen remote is beyond me. Can anyone recommend one that DOES have an on screen remote?
Plenty of options - look in the built in repo under web interface.

For more details look in the web interfaces section .

But you might be more tactful in your requests...
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Thank you for your utterly colourful topic title.

We do recommend you refrain from using similar tactics in your future topics.
Should you be unable to comply, then a lengthy vacation from our forum will follow.
(2017-09-10, 19:29)DarrenHill Wrote: Plenty of options - look in the built in repo under web interface.

For more details look in the web interfaces section .

Thanks DarrenHill!
(2017-09-10, 19:29)Klojum Wrote: Thank you for your utterly colourful topic title.

We do recommend you refrain from using similar tactics in your future topics.
Should you be unable to comply, then a lengthy vacation from our forum will follow.

I apologize for the title. I was just so flabbergasted that the developer would choose to omit such basic functionality.

Turns out the developer didn't omit it, he just hid it and it's only revealed with a hover. This might be an even worse choice than omitting it.
(2017-09-10, 19:22)xproofx Wrote: Why the developer chose to remove the on screen remote is beyond me

They didn't.
Guess you will do much better job when you finish your interface.
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From your other post... "Worst design choice I've ever come across. Who hides an option like that?!"

Better posts would have been something like:
"Hi, thanks for developing the Chorus web interface. I'm new to it and can't find the remote. Where is it?

Then, follow up with something like:
"My suggestion for improving it is to put a remote icon and that is visible instead of the blank space. Maybe toggle the colour or position of the remote when hovering over it."

Even better would be providing the code to do it.

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Chorus web interface sucks! Any alternatives?0