Solved Transfer KODI backub between devices
Ok, this is something that always made me mad. I never found a way to transfer a perfect KODI library between devices. I always started from scratch and organized everything by hand (collections, movie titles etc.).
But now my KODI library is too complex to redo it completely and I need to transfer it from a MINIX U1 device to my new Amazon Fire TV Stick.

I tried several ways, the first one backing up the library on the MINIX and restoring it on Amazon TV. It seems everything perfect but it isn't. Movies are ok, but tv series are there only "logically" (I see directories but they're empty, I need to rescan them manually).
But here's a new problem. Since I didn't add the "sources" (which one is movie, which one is tvseries) it automatically rescrap things in english, and I need them in my language. I can't do anything until I manually add the new sources, where I can set the language.
But once I do it rescan them and I'm flooded by duplicates.

Of course I can't add sources before library import or else it first scan them and then messes everything up importing the library.

The only way I can think is manually export all kodi data directory and import it in the Stick, but I've no idea how to do.

Am I missing out anything or it's basically impossible to easily transfer libraries in Kodi? Sad
Hello Lock

I have no idea about your setup- HDD, network etc, but if it is just the library you want to duplicate, then the easiest method is to use Import/Export. The link is in my signature below. This is the best option. Make sure all your drives are accessible when you run it.

You can add a Source without re-scraping. Just answer 'No" when it asks "do you want to add the contents to your library" (or something similar)

Now that you have the link (and many other useful ones in my signature) you shouldn't be "missing out anything".

Hope that helps.
My Signature
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(2017-11-15, 03:19)Karellen Wrote: You can add a Source without re-scraping. Just answer 'No" when it asks "do you want to add the contents to your library" (or something similar)

Thanks Karellen, it's what I did when added sources. But then on the next start kodi started to scan them (I can't leave it disabled as regularly I add new files).
My setup is a bit more complex than usual. I use a Drobo 5N, a NAS, in the network.

Now I just found a way to access both devices via ftp with ES Explorer (or similar name). I will try a directory substitution of data. I hope different plugins won't be too mad. :/
Update: the data copy method worked.
Thread marked solved.
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Transfer KODI backub between devices0