Windows 10 PC won't stay asleep
I've used Kodi as my main source of viewing entertainment for many years.  I have my HTPC connected to my main TV and previously have set the sleep timer in windows to go to sleep after "x" minutes of inactivity.  This has worked fairly well but I've noticed over that past several months (give or take), if the computer does go to sleep, it only sleeps for a few minutes and then wakes up again.  I've recently added a Roku stick and an Amazon Fire TV stick to my set up and when I'm watching content from these sources when the PC goes to sleep, it stays that way for perhaps 10 seconds and wakes right back up.

I'm using my A/V receiver to switch between the different sources.  All sources are connected via HDMI.  Before I go making changes to registry settings or try other ideas, I thought I would pose the issue here.

Any ideas?

Check out the Windows powercfg command.

Which skin are you using? Do you have extrafanart or extrathumbs enabled?
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Try disconnecting the HDMI from your htpc before you expect it to go to sleep.
Have you checked what woke it up the last time?

powercfg -lastwake

Will show you.
(2018-01-08, 07:48)Plantje Wrote: Try disconnecting the HDMI from your htpc before you expect it to go to sleep.
 I am facing the prtty same issue.

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Windows 10 PC won't stay asleep0