Why not keeping it simple?
For some years I am very satisfied with my Pi 2B, OpenElec, Kodi 15.2
I use it in a simple way to show photo's and play video's from my USB HDD.
Setting up was simple and an RF simple remote (brand unknown) with a small number of buttons (only for playing) was plug and play and proved to work flawlessly.
Why change? Well let's try. Newest LibreElec and Kodo 8.2.3 installed.
Installation proved simple and also video playing (using a mouse) worked.
BUT: I found no settings for having time format and time itself right.
Biggest frustration: RF simple remote did not work (no plug and play anymore).
I went back to my OpenElec, Kodi 15.2
What I donot know: is it a LibreElec or a Kodi issue?
(2018-02-16, 13:16)KoPim Wrote: BUT: I found no settings for having time format and time itself right.

You mean these settings? Settings > Interface > Regional


Make sure your settings level is "Standard" (or higher) in order to set the Timezone (not really sure why Timezone isn't a Basic setting, but there you go). In the image above my settings level is "Expert".

(2018-02-16, 13:16)KoPim Wrote: Biggest frustration: RF simple remote did not work (no plug and play anymore).

It may require a driver fix, it's hard to say without any detailed information.

We'd be happy to take a look if you are able to provide the latest ZIP file from the "Logfiles" Samba share in LibreELEC - please upload it to Dropbox, Googledrive or similar and then paste the link here.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Default settings level is "Standard" so those will be shown on a default install.
(2018-02-16, 14:20)jjd-uk Wrote: Default settings level is "Standard" so those will be shown on a default install.

That's true - thanks.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Time settings are ok now. Sorry that I overlooked the setting and that I was too quick in my response.
I will now concentrate on the log file.
Log file and picture of remote available for 1 week at:
Create a file /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/61-not-joysticks.rules with the following content (everything in one line), then reboot
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1d57", ATTRS{idProduct}=="ad03", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}=="?*", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}=""

It looks like your RF remote is recognized as a joystick - see also this thread here: https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/4809-s...-detected/

so long,

HiassofT:  Woow, that works! Thanks for this advice!
Others: also thanks for your input.
I believe all is working now, but I will do further testing. If I meet a problem, I know where to be.
Hiassoft: copying the code did not solve the problem. However, I see similarities with the thread you suggested. i will concentrate on that.
I like to come to a conclusion. I tried to delete or edit my post "Hiassoft....." which failed. Of course I would like to thank you all for your suggestions. But I was wrong that the problem was solved (mistakenly I had the muSD with Kodi 15.2 in the Pi and not the new one; again I was too quick in reporting).
The reference which HiassofT gave was appropriate, since the remote did not function, but the "imitating mouse" on the remote worked. This was also addressed in that reference, but the solution given is too complicated for me (I am unfamiliar with Linux).
Further, navigating through my picture and video files with LibreElec resulted three times in a freeze. A hard reset was necessary, a situation which I never had with Kodi 15.2
So I decided to keep OpenElec/Kodi 15.2 and not to upgrade.

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Why not keeping it simple?0