Copy files
How does one copy files from windows 10 to a usb drive connected to a android media player.
Mine fails
You can't. You need software on Android side to share the disks on the LAN... ie. you need ES file explorer and then run it on Android and run FTP and FTP from windows onto it. Or SMB server on android...
Many thanks.
Is there no way to install samba on the android box and share that way.
Unplug it, connect it to your Windows machine and then locally copy your files over before moving it back to the android box?

You can't do it inside Kodi, but depending on the box, if you can install other apps from the play store you can maybe install a seperate smb server app?
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(2018-02-24, 20:32)moeras Wrote: Many thanks.
Is there no way to install samba on the android box and share that way.
 you don't need smb on android box if you want to do that from the box. Use some file manager with FTP capabilites and set your FTP share inside of that file manager and you can copy back and forth as you like.
Would like to copy files from pc to the android box as this is where I store some of my files.

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