Solved Update Library Command Help Please
** SOLVED **


Wonder if you can help.

Ref updating the library - 

I want to disable the auto update library on Kodi boot up as my internet takes a while to connect so it always gives me an error.
But instead of manually doing an update via the system, skin, video, update area, I've made a "menu" item next to my films menu on the main screen but just having trouble working out the exact custom command to use to initiate the video library update.

I found this page :

But it doesn't give exact details of the LibraryUpdate command.

Can anyone help?
(It's just for updating the video - not the music).

Many thanks.
(2018-02-24, 22:16)TheRG Wrote: I want to disable the auto update library on Kodi boot up
Are you aware you can disable that in Settings...
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Yes - I've disabled the update but wanted to make an item on the menu (which I have done) called Update.
And then when clicking that, it updates the library.

I think I've managed to sort it, so will change the title to Solved.

I've found within the skin area, when looking at the commands I found it within the Kodi Commands area rather than where I originally looked - and the Update Video Library function was in there.
I just selected that & it's all good.
Thread marked solved.
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Update Library Command Help Please0