Hi, I'm interested in either 4.2 or 4.7 projects proposals, both sound good :)
Michelle Thomas – Project Proposal – Google Summer of Code 2018
github and google [email protected]
my university Wichita State University [email protected] 

Summary: I would like to work on either proposals 4.2 Better profile support and/or 4.7 Add a picture library I will achieve this using C++ and SQLite, working in emacs on Linux Focus for 4.2 is to improve the user experience, make the interface more intuitive and versatileFocus for 4.7 is to add the functionality of a database that holds pictures.
Benefits: Improves usability of the Kodi software, users benefit from better functionality. 

Goals: To have made tangible improvements to the user profile functionality of Kodi, or to implement an efficient, scalable database for pictures. 

Further information: 
I will be working on a Linux box I built. My husband has a windows machine I can also use if need be.  

I first started programming in 1998 when I started my Bachelor’s in Computer Science. I graduated in 2003 and promptly got a job that involved no coding. Coding jobs were scarce in my neck of the woods in those days and I ended up doing the MS Access work and project management I had done before getting my degree. I then had my son and didn’t do anything with my brain for about 8 years. When I re-entered the job market recently, I taught an intro C++ class, an intro to Java class, and an intro to Mobile Apps class at a local community college. I have now gone back to school to get my Masters in Computer Science, but find my programming skills are rusty and I don’t do enough for my classes. So I would really like to do Summer of Code to improve my skills.

I have never used Kodi, but if I am selected I will be using it before writing any code for it. 

I have not yet done an open source project, but you can find my github repository under karmadog. I have a group project from last semester on there. I also have a WIP mobile android app I’m creating for the high school I volunteer at. I volunteer thru TEALSK12 to help a math teacher teach CS to his students. I’m learning Python along with the students Smile

This summer I have an open schedule. I plan on treating GSoC as a full time job, my only other work will be preliminary research for my thesis, which I will start actually working on next school year.
Hey there, nice to have you here. Smile

You should probably settle for one of those and explore the one you choose a bit more in depths.
Thank you, I will do that this week during spring break. Smile
Hi, I just downloaded and ran Kodi to get a feel for it.  So far I like the interface, but have a couple of suggestions for user navigation I could implement.  It was a little confusing on how to get back to the main screen.  I figured it out pretty quick, but some kind of back arrow for navigation might be useful.  I looked at the profile settings as well and the first thing I noticed was a lack of password protection for the profiles.  Is that by design?  Because I could implement something for that if you think it is needed.  I don't have any video or music files on my computer currently, but I will download some and play around with Kodi some more, and then get back with some more suggestions.
Haven't used profiles in some times, but pretty sure you can lock them via pin or password. The project on profiles is not targeting small stuff like that, it should basically rip the whole thing out, reimagine it, reengineer it and reimplement it.
I think that I am going to focus on a different proposal, I think maybe I should focus on an area I'm more familiar with, also I thought your UI was already good Smile.  Not sure I am creative enough to come up with a completely new interface for you.  Thank you very much for your time.
Good luck Smile

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Hi, I'm interested in either 4.2 or 4.7 projects proposals, both sound good :)0