Kodi 18 SMB not working on Shield
Hi, I figure I'd make the jump SMB1 to SMB3 since new windows update seem to not support it(or does and it just broke idk) and beyond that, I heard it was dangerous. with that I also installed Kodi 18 nightly(currently reverted down to alpha) after using SPMC.

Setup between my Laptop -> Desktop went flawlessly(Didn't have to use Lan IP or insert Port 445, just computer and folder name and bam working) well sort of but the problems probably had more to do nightly bugs.

But now I'm back in a familiar predicament where my Any Android Device -> Desktop is unable SMB share. I have exactly confiqured like my Laptop(where SMB is working fine)

Sever Name: Computer Name
Shared Folder: Movie Folder

Port: 0 left like such since its working on Laptop
User: Hotmail email
Password: Hotmail password

this config gives "Operation Not Permitted" btw

Why did you post in the RPi forum?

Moving to Android.
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(2018-05-05, 00:29)Tinwarble Wrote: Why did you post in the RPi forum?

Moving to Android.
 Yeah my B I was originally gonna post this for my RPi3 with OSMC but then I remembered last minute I using my Shield lol
Laptop and Desktop are little different. Kodia is the most popular of media steeming.Reinstalling add one of Kodi and restart  (link removed by mod)
(2018-05-05, 02:12)Danehardin Wrote: Laptop and Desktop are little different. Kodia is the most popular of media steeming.Reinstalling add one of Kodi and restart  (link removed by mod)
lol Uh Thanks but that didn't work...

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Kodi 18 SMB not working on Shield0